Tuesday 11 February 2014

Sandy Suffield

"Im not going to show you any work today, im going to show you everything in between."
The presentation given by Sandy seemed very professional and reliable, I KNOW this is a reliable source because of the fact she was invited by 'Creative Mornings' to show her presentation. This is a trustworthy reliable source that I can gather useful information from.
Her presentation seems to be in a university, the audience seem to be at a average young age (students). Also the equipment she is using seems up to date as you would expect at any university.
I found it really powerful how she begins her presentation by telling the audience that she is not going to show her work, just work she does in between. Which is I think is a great way for people to really see who you are and how you work. Instead of showing them work she has been told to do and has to do, she wants to show work that really expresses herself and the way she lives her life.
From this I have gathered allot of information about Sandy, the fact she likes to take something pre-owned and make it look beautiful. For example paper bags, plastic bags, clothes from charity shops and creating characters from items lying around her home.
Also she has a strong passion with working with people, peoples lives and peoples story's. On the other hand she does admit that some of her ideas to generally come from nothing, sometimes she doesn't understand where she gets her ideas herself, and other times they are accidentally thought of, for example, smashing a dinner plate on the floor, then deciding to create some amazing work from the broken plate instead of throwing it in the bin.
Using Black syrup, milk and fake blood she has given these small toy vehicles a matching meaning behind their story. This could be very powerful in an advertisement.
Here us sine stitching she has done to resemble her 'homes' The golden state of America where she worked for Apple, and then Great Britain where she was born and now lives, a red cross locating London to show her home town.
A paper bag from the chemist which she has re-used to stitch pills and tablets onto the bag, resembling drugs that would be collected from the pharmacy.

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