Tuesday 11 February 2014

Be Stupid : Diesel campaign.

The following campaign is from a article I read in Creative Review (March 2010).
Diesel - Be Stupid campaign.
 Creative Review March 2010

 This is the article from Creative Review. Posters and Website. Anomaly.
 Posters and Website.

So Diesel took a advertising approach with a campaign called 'BE STUPID' using photos of people basically doing stupid things. Using the word smart to be a bad thing, and saying being stupid is better. This works well as it relates to the actual work they are producing, taking a risk and making their designs feel fun and stupid.
The writer seems to be fairly on both sides of the equation, saying how it is funny and it does make you smile as you walk past this advertisement, adding the fact it states 'Smart people think with their head, stupid people think with their heart' (Heart over Head). This is humour and works well with any advertisement because people like to laugh, however I think it is very powerful in the sense that their is a topless woman in one of the photos, and also it could be seen as being very misleading to the audience, basically telling them to be stupid, or maybe people would see it as if you buy Diesel jeans, you are stupid.
Their seems to be a conversation in the article, and this is the reason I believe this is a fairly split debate between the positives and negatives from this campaign.
A very interesting part of the article is the following.
Kate:As a consumer I don't know if it works. What's the relevance? I wasn't sure what 'Be Stupid' was implying, does it mean be stupid and buy Diesel jeans?...
Ollie:Its the idea of never thinking that you're wrong, you have to let these ideas out, then you can do great stuff.

Ollie makes a valid point, I believe its very important in design to take risks and have no fears, try new things and come up with new outcomes and really get a taste for everything while you can. And this campaign expresses that.

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