Wednesday 12 February 2014

Examples of shock advertising.


This advert from WFF states how 100 times more people where killed in a tsunami in brazil than there where people killed in 9/11.
A obviously shocking advert considering people lives effect by 9/11, basically everyone. But also the image is so powerful, this vision of airplanes heading straight for the city of New York.
This advert is interesting for me as my current project is about climate change, and it is stating how powerful our planet is, and if we do not respect it, it will destroy us.

This advertisement is for elf engine oil, the point they are trying to get across is that their engine oil is the best, and is 100% clean. Using this shocking advertisement they have used an approach of using 2 people, in bold text it seems they have done something terrible, but in the smaller text you realise they did it for a reason, basically saying that they look like bad people, however on the inside they did it for a helpful reason.

This advert is aimed at pedophiles, saying how if anyone sees anything more from a child they are wrong, and they need help. Using powerful images of young girls on a grown woman's body, also stating in text how if anybody over the age of 18 has sex with anybody underage, it is rape. 

This advert is about animal cruelty, basically stating how we should not treat others the way we would would like to be treat. The shocking image of a dead baby is probably what makes this as powerful as it is, if a image of a man was laying dead on the image, I feel it would still be shocking, but not as powerful. In my opinion I believe the reason they are using a seal is to resemble global warming, and how we are melting their home and killing them.

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