Monday 3 March 2014

Text analysis 2

When to use the 'shock' factor and why it works.

Melinda Varley

Melinda is a graduated student of Sunshine State University, she has been involved in business speculation since graduation, her specialism is how business works, and ways to really create a successful business.
She is known for posting online blogs giving out information about what is right, and what is wrong.
So after reading her article on when it is right to us the shock advertising method, I understand that she does not relate to the design itself, she relates to the business side of things, what works and when.

It is hard to really say if Melina is being biased towards either side of this article, she seems to be very opinionated  you would think from somebody who is trying to develop people's businesses she would use facts, but she seems to be very opinionated, such as in the first line of her article, she states how french ARE the best at shock advertising.

When it comes to shock advertising, the French do it best, as demonstrated last week by the release of its latest anti-smoking campaign. 

She states how shock advertising is not about text, layout or anything else other than the imagery, she says how you can't have a shock advert without imagery, personally I disagree, text can be very powerful in the design world, but at the same time I understand she does not know the design world.

I dont think Melina has done enough research before posting this blog, there is a lot more to shock advertising than just trying to shock people. It is not a way to just get away with putting abusive or sexual imagery into the public. As a business speculator she should be giving people the whole package, letting people know about how powerful it can be, and not to let people think it is just a way to make your ad's stand out.

A interesting point she does make is the warning label on cigarette packets, she classes this as advertising, is it? It makes me think, because they are not trying to persuade you to buy anything, they are not persuading you to do anything either, but at the same time I guess they are trying to persuade you to put down the cigarettes.

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